we are partners in your business success

Convert information into useful data:
gather data from public sources and transform this information into actionable data, to support you in making the best intelligent business decisions

Why you need to get more out of data

Information is power. In today’s world there is no lack of information or access to it. However, the amount of data is so substantial that the challenge is to extract the right information from it. One needs to collect the data, clean it and organize it in a way that makes it easily understandable and that supports the best business decisions.

At datafields we build large, multilingual, searchable data sets incorporating local, state, regional and world information according to your needs to help you make intelligent decisions.


Big Data

Big Data is a buzzword at the moment. But at datafields we work with big data for the last 15 years. Extract data from publicly available information, fast and with confidence using our expertise. Get more out of your data.

Business Intelligence

Get the information intelligence you need to make the best decisions. Gather information about your business, your clients, your competitors, industry, products or people and build digital libraries for easy search and analysis of that information.

Robotic Process Automation

Need to automate processes and procedures and get more efficiency and productivity? Robotic Process Automation allows you to reduce human error and costs, while freeing your human resources for meaningful tasks. Talk to us if you need custom solutions for automation of your business processes.

Web Scraping

Gather data from any website. If you require a tailor-made solution to collect, treat and deliver the data collected in a format you can easily use to make better strategic decisions, talk to us.

Would you like to start a project with us?

Let us know your requirement and we are happy to present a solution tailored to your needs.